In high school I wore acrylic nails. Eventually I decided I no longer liked the look of them on myself, but mostly I hated what they were doing to my real nails. Destroying them. The acrylic nails destroyed them. Looking back, I really wish I had never subjected my nails to that kind of torture for so long. In recent years I've put quite a bit of effort into taking care of my nails and hands. I am rough on my hands. I use them daily, obviously, and I'm not at all dainty about it. I also find myself washing my hands a lot and that combined with my already dry skin, I mean.. by the time the cold January weather rolls around, my hands and nails are a mess.
Last year I came up with the perfect solution for my dry hands, that I'll share at the end of this post, but first let's talk about my other problem area - my nails.
I hadn't ever found the perfect solution for my poor nails. I really just needed someone to tell me exactly what I should be doing and how I should be doing it. Instructions people, I needed instructions. So let's all say hi to Julep and then let's follow that up with a "Thank You, Julep!" because they've got you covered.
A clear set of instructions on how you can take care of your nails all year long, but especially in these cold winter months when everyone is suffering just a little extra.
Also, let's talk about how badly I NEED some of their new winter nail polish colors.
Isla and Sawyer are calling my name. Like whoa. Also, only because I spent 45 minutes last night reading it, Julep has a blog. Which is #1, really cool, but also #2, it has a lot of things on there! I had expected to glance through really quickly, but then got completely caught up in post after post. I'm always about sharing blogs I really love and this is another one on that list. Good stuff.
Now, my perfect solution for dry hands? You don't need to get too fancy. Promise.
1. Start with some traditional Vaseline. Just rub a small amount all over your dry hands.
2. Rub your hands in a sugar or salt scrub mixture. There are tons of DIY recipes on Pinterest, but the easiest for me is just mixing some sugar and coconut oil. Easy, affordable, and effective.
3. Rinse the scrub mixture off of your hands.
4. Use a good hand lotion. Hand creams tend to be thicker than normal lotion, which makes them more effective. I love the Neutrogena hand cream. It's fragrance free and makes my hands so, so soft!
Let me know if you try any these tips! Especially if you have an AMAZING sugar scrub, because I'm on the hunt!
Also, let me know which new Julep winter nail polish color I need. Totally serious, help me decide. It's going to be my birthday present to myself.

I LOVVEEEE Mary Kay's Peach Satin Hands. I have it near my kitchen sink so every time I do the dishes I can use it. so. soft. hands.
ReplyDeleteLove this post! I'm a nail polish addict and I give myself a fresh mani every weekend (#basic). I'm going to have to try out making a DIY scrub because this cold weather has my hands all dried up.
ReplyDeletePS - Team Sawyer.
PPS - Do you do Julep Maven? TOTALLY OBNOXIOUS PLUG ALERT: I do and I love it. You can skip the boxes if you don't like them (so no charge that month), but they have really great deals and some cute mani accessories (stick-on chevron stripes, dotter tools), so I think it's worth it. I thiiiiink you get a freebie if you use my code but you totally don't have to: