I love mac and cheese. No, you're not listening - I LOVE MAC AND CHEESE. Ask my mom.
I live pretty firmly by the rule that everything tastes better with cheese on it, in it, or around it. Also, carbs. Carbs are heaven. Which makes mac n cheese the official food of the gods.
Just one more reason to love Haley and those Tree Hill Ravens.
Anyway last week I saw this Buzzfeed article. I'm really working on eating a lot more veggies and a lot less carbs, so reading that article was pure torture. I guess I didn't get enough torture though, because then I thought I'd type mac and cheese into Pinterest and see what I could find. I found a lot and I think I started to drool on my laptop. Instead of cooking any of these delicious, heavenly, glorious mac-n-cheese perfections, I'm just going to share my Top 10 with you and hope that you make it.
…And then send me a photo. So I can drool over that too.
No specific order, of course. Because how could I choose?!
via Angie at Big Bear's Wife
Shut uuuppppp. Also, at the bottom of that recipe there are a hundred links to other mac and cheese recipes. I died too, it's okay.
via Kalyn at Geez, Louise
I'm seriously considering making this my ginormous cheat meal next week. Seriously.
via Jessica at How Sweet It Is
Mascarpone, Fontina, Gruyere, and Sharp Cheddar cheese. Do I even need to continue?
via Brita at Baking Is A Science
I searched high and low for a delicious, but easy mac and cheese pizza. This one won. I mean, look at it. Drool.
via Jo at Jo Cooks
It's kind of like combining to summer cookout classics and it makes me happy, oh so happy.
via Ashley at Rainstorms and Love Notes
I know, you want to eat it off the screen. Me too, girl, me too. This has been on my list to cook for months actually. I want it now.
via Tara at Smells Like Home
Look at all of that cheesy and crunchy goodness! This recipe also seems really easy to modify for different kinds of chipotle tastes!
via Parrish at Life With The Crust Cut Off
Look! There's a veggie in there! Covered in cheesy happiness! The veggie is happy! I could pass this off as healthy, right?
via Lisa at Spicy Ice Cream
I have a thing for mac and cheeses that use not-your-typical cheeses. Also this recipe has just a tiny bit of dijon mustard in it, which makes me think it's like the secret ingredient. I'm all about that.
via Kelly at Just A Taste
This might be my new go-to mac and cheese recipe. I love garlic. No, I'm obsessed with garlic. This looks delicious. Oh my goodness, I'm so hungry!
I know I said I was going to give you 10, but I have a very, very honorable mention:
via Laurie at Andiamo
This is a simple, easy, classic mac and cheese recipe. I listed a lot of different variations above, but this one is just a classic recipe and it looks delicious. Beyond delicious.
And now I'm going to go drool over my computer screen.
Send help.
…Make sure the help brings mac and cheese with him…

Buffalo Mac and Cheese is a staple in my apartment - it is SO good
ReplyDeleteoh my god I needed all of these in my life. mac + cheese is the cornerstone of my diet.
ReplyDeleteWow I feel like I had no idea Mac and cheese could be done so many different ways! On it girl. On it.
ReplyDeleteYou're killing me! These all look so good!
ReplyDeleteWhy. Whyyyy WHY WHY!??!?! ;)
ReplyDeleteSo...many...different...mac & cheeses...brain is overloading! *BOOM* Tee hee!
ReplyDeleteMandie ~ http://badbrewpack.blogspot.com/
IF MAC AND CHEESE WERE A PERSON I'D MARRY IT. ok that's a little extreme, but seriously. I couldn't live without it. Life would be so dull and cheese-less. AND WHO WANTS TO LIVE IN A WORLD LIKE THAT ,KAY, WHO?!?!?!
ReplyDeleteMy favorite food!!
ReplyDeleteOMG These recipes are amazing!! I am so doing the Mushroom and Truffle Sea Salt White Cheddar Macaroni and Cheese for supper tomorrow!!
ReplyDeleteI was so excited to read this, because mac and cheese is the BEST, and then I was so surprised/flattered to see one of my recipes on here! Thanks so much for including it! :) Now, can we just have a big mac and cheese party and make all of these please?
ReplyDeleteThis is now one of my favorite posts! I LOVE mac and cheese! :)
UMMMM Yum!!!! I love mac n cheese too. I think I could eat it every day for the rest of my life. Thanks for sharing all of these delicious looking recipes that I now have to make :)