-- I had my first family Christmas on Saturday! My brother and sister-in-law hosted at their house and everyone chipped in and brought different kinds of soups, sandwiches, and desserts. Very successful, very fun! We played a White Elephant game or Dirty Santa game, everyone has a different name for it. I ended up with this cute IU snowman and some scratch-off lottery tickets.
Overall it was a pretty perfect day. We watched the IU game, we talked and laughed, and we played some gambling dice and card game and my stepdad ending up winning a ton of quarters. Yay for Christmas family fun!
-- My brother and sister-in-law live about 45 minutes away from my parents' house and my parents, myself, and my 2 younger siblings all rode in one car on the way there. Well, in the car we listened to episode 1 of the Serial podcast that everyone is obsessed with. So I am now officially one of the cool kids and I have officially started the series. Honestly, I find it incredibly fascinating that so many people are obsessed with this podcast. It's almost like people forget that this is an actual, real-life murder case and not a story. This has to be a psychologist's dream case-study.
-- My sister, my aunt, and I went to my grandparents' house yesterday to make Christmas candy! We ended up only making peanut brittle and hard crack candy in 4 flavors. My grandma was an overachiever and had already made the cookies before we got there.
Two .. Apps I Downloaded Last Week
-- Trivia Crack
My sister's friend got me and my sister to download it last week and we've all been pretty obsessed since then. It's very similar to the board game Trivial Pursuit. It is ridiculously fun and addicting. If you download it and want to play me, I think my username is kstoll129? Or search for "Kristen Stoll" and my photo will be a picture of me and my sister.
-- Rookie
One of my new favorite picture editing apps! I still have a soft spot in my heart for VSCOcam, but I do love Rookie. Tons of great filters and possible edits! Highly recommend.
One.. Regret I Have This Morning
-- I have a small tray in my bathroom of perfumes and body sprays that I use on the daily. I have my favorites though and so I always tend to use the same scents over and over again. This morning I decided to try a scent I had never worn and I didn't buy and it wasn't a gift, so I'm not actually sure where it came from. Instead of doing the normal thing and sniffing it before spritzing it on my wrists, I just spritz. Instant regret. I hate the way it smells. And it is STRONG. And awful. And now I'm sitting at my desk and it's the only thing I can smell. I have no idea why I'm sharing this with you.
Happy Monday, people!

Downloading both of the things because I trust you and I love addictive things.
ReplyDeleteI have the EXACT same regret this morning. WHY did we think we could try something new without testing it first?
ReplyDeleteI'm getting those apps. I love trivia.
ReplyDeleteI was addicted to Trivia Crack for a while. I still play it simply because my parents needs someone to play with!
ReplyDeleteI just downloaded Trivia crack and I can tell it's going to become an addiction for me lol